My short answer to this is it is my deepest desire that you are living a life of purpose and freedom. That if in any way I can inspire you to listen to that small or big voice that clearly knows your path; The voice that empowers you on your path to be the best version of yourself.
We are all interconnected and we are all in this together. I want you to experience presence, awakening, and ultimately liberation….all through the wisdom & our knowledge of the properties of gemstones and ancient wisdom traditions. Sometimes all it takes is bringing awareness to an aspect of yourself or your life to wake that part of yourself up and inner transformation.
At the house of Shakti we invite you to find which gemstone or amulet will assist you and meet you in this place of self-empowerment. Your life’s purpose is about coming into conscious recognition of your true self. Shakti Malas, amulets and medicine bags are a perfect tool for you to use to focus on living in the present moment.
If I can empower you to follow your soul path and mission, my heart will be happy…
With Love,
Shakti Sarah